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I'm trying to change my life to become the person I've always wanted to be - myself. Now I just need to know who myself is :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


So for a while now, I've decided that hot pink, tangerine and saffron yellow were going to be our colors. I know, it sounds hideous at first, but think of a bird of paradise. It has all of those colors and is friggin gorgeous.

But last Sunday after wedding dress shopping, my sister and I pulled out a couple of bridesmaids dresses in those colors and ... well, I love my girls! I don't want them NOT loving me. Especially if I make them buy a dress in a one of those colors. That would be mean.

So, I stumbled upon this blog just now, and just about fell off my chair! As a middle eastern, I LOVE the ethnic flair this picture inspires, and now, I'm thinking I want to change my colors to "tiffany blue" and "tangerine." Does that sound even more hideous? Check it out:


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