After five years, I had given this office everything I had. Nobody there could argue that I had the most challenging base of people to work with. In fact , two people before me only lasted a few years with them, before they were given new responsibilities in the office, due to their burnout.
Our big boss was losing her mind and completely out of touch with reality. A person that I used to be so proud to work for; that I campaigned for for two years straight, going from my fulltime job in her office to my nonpaid job in her campaign office until sometimes midnight, and pretty much all day on the weekends, was now losing her marbles. I was kind of embarrased to represent her.
With a second boss that used his apparent naivity (he spent his previous life as a pastor) to say things that no boss should ever say to anyone he supervises, particularly girls - ahem - I was miserable.
So the bitch let me go because I was "unhappy." There's a lot more to it than that, but that's the crux. Turns out the pastor was a snake in the grass, but I only heard that from his ex-collegues after he screwed me over.
So I went on the trip which was awesome of course. Except for the fact that not having a steady income stream stresses me out to no end. It makes me lose sleep and screws with my head.
Luckily I knew I had snagged (the day before we left) a 3-month internship at a hot pr firm in the area. I had wanted to work their for years, but never had the guts to give everything up and go down a new path. This time, I had no choice.
Three months passed, and so did they. On hiring me that is. Which is fine anyway because it was like working in a sorority - everyone talked like a vallley girl, and I felt pressured to wake up every morning and spend an hour on hair and makeup to make up for the fact that I hadn't gone shopping in over a year. I don't watch bad tv (when I told them I don't have cable, everyone gasped) and I don't read fashion magazines. How dare I?
I felt okay about it too, because I was thisclose to getting a job at a place I actually wanted to be. I spent the whole last month of my internship talking to the owner of the company. I met with a couple members of his staff who loved me. I'm pretty sure he loved me, but he really wanted me to meet the Operations person because that's who I would be working under.
That happened yesterday and boy did she have doubts. The owner however said that he was still going to give me an offer and that he would call me later in the day because he wanted to get me in the next morning. Great!
..Except he didn't call.
I emailed him around 7pm to make sure he wasn't expecting me in the next morning. He wrote back to say that he had had such a hectic rest of the day, and that we should plan to speak today at 10am.
I have a feeling that the Ops lady convinced him to lessen the title and the salary (which was low to begin with!).
Now I'm worried. At this point, I'll take anything. But I'm afraid the salary will be what I started with at my first job, and back then, I had no car payment, car insurance payment, health insurance payment, and paid $250 less in rent.
I know I should spend most of this morning looking for jobs just in case but...
Here comes the paralysis....
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