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I'm trying to change my life to become the person I've always wanted to be - myself. Now I just need to know who myself is :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is a Test

I started this whole thing in the first place so that I could get my feelings out when they start taking over. Ironically, since I tend to be stuck like glue to whatever piece of furniture I'm on when the feelings rear their ugly heads, I never make it over to the computer.

Thus, you see fluffy posts about weddings and food, because those are the times I feel most motivated, and can get myself off the couch/bed, into the spare room with the dinosaur computer and let my fingers fly.

When Scott is home, I ask that he brings his laptop home too. But when he's not, all I have is the dinosaur. And the dinosaur (naturally) is slow and big and isn't in a place where I feel comfortable typing; meaning I can't be sprawled out on the couch/bed pouring my feelings out. I have to walk all the way over to the room, sit at the desk, in the office chair. Sitting in the office chair is particularly bad right now, since I don't have a job. It's like rubbing it in.

I know that it sounds silly to say that "I have to walk aaall the way over to the room" (considering we live in a 700 sq ft apartment), but it truly is a test. Honestly, and this is kind of gross (sorry), sometime I don't drink water on those days because I know it would be hard just getting up and going to bathroom. Ridiculous, I know.

Anyway, the point is....that this is a test of my mobile blogging feature. I hope it works, because although I have trouble picking up my phone and calling people (more on that later), I have no problem using this thing for internet browsing and emails.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works......

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